The statement I hear the most often is, "When something happens, I'll give you a call." My follow-up question is, "What is that something that happens going to be?" The reason I ask this is to point out that "something" that happens could be a slip, fall or an accident so severe it could make one unfit for Independent Living causing them to leap frog over Independent Living and directly into Assisted Living or Nursing Home care.
My advice is simply this: When you start to notice things are becoming much more difficult to carry out round the house and performing duties once considered menial are becoming more taxing, it is at this time you should think about making a move to an Independent Retirement Community. It will be one of the healthiest and safest decisions you make for yourself.
If any of the following situations apply to you or a loved one, perhaps it's time to consider moving to Cambridge Place:
* When you find that doing everyday occupational activities around the house, such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, etc. are becoming more difficult to perform
* When walking becomes more difficult and requires more effort and conscious decision
* When maneuvering around the house becomes more difficult
* Failing eyesight
* Frequent falling
* Loss of driver's license
* Loss of social interaction
* Feelings of being burdensome to family/friends
Don't wait until it is too late. All of us here at Cambridge Place are dedicated to preserving Seniors' ability to live independently.